Reality Check

Wanted to capture some of the everyday around here and that includes some of the good, bad, and even the ugly hair clogged drains lol!!

  • Bug started the morning off with a Zoom call with her entire class and her teachers.  Neat to see all of them together talking about their new homeschool situation.
  • S slept until noon today... yes noon!
  • Bug had ice cream for breakfast yesterday... no judging
  • I still make them get out and walk everyday... yes they still complain.  No, I don't care lol
  • I had the joy of digging all their beautiful black hair out of the sink drains... normal every single month EWWW
  • Girls discovered the joy of painting rocks today. I love that they are outside doing SOMETHING
  • The ants...oh the ANTS around here.  Didn't want to leave them off the blog as they are now just a part of our family haha
  • T brings home his friends around lunch or dinner everyday.  Free food of course, but they do actually have a conversation with me every now and then while eating that free food... I'll take it!
  • And finally you can see that my office has become child infested most of the day!  Learning how to manage all the interruptions as best I can.  Wait, these kiddos aren't interruptions... blessings right?!?  Just kidding, I really am focusing on all the good coming out of the crazy right now.  We are all truly blessed in this life we have safe and sound and healthy!

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Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!