
While the rest of the world freaks out... we choose to play with the neighbors puppies!  And make silly faces on mom's phone, and still sit nice and cozy in our house doing some schoolwork online while I continue to make a living from the convenience of my home office.

We don't watch much tv around here in general, but when we do it is not on the news.  I do watch some of the news every morning just to see what is happening in the world.  About 10 minutes a day is enough for me.  The girls rarely ever see the news reports.  They do get their fair share of the outside world on their social media feeds.  We are not oblivious to the world around us, but we aren't obsessed with what is "out there" either.  So life has continued as normal as possible around my house, and I hope to keep it that way!

The girls discovered that the neighbors are fostering some new puppies.  They have been getting their daily dose of JOY by visiting them every single day this week.  I have continued to go to crossfit to get my daily dose of JOY this week too.  Trust me, it is the cleanest gym in town!  We have way more food in our house than normal, yet we still have managed to support our local favorites and ordered in a few times this week.  We do some schoolwork, some real work, some chores, then try to get out and enjoy the nice weather we've had this week.

This morning I received this email from one of the adoption agencies.  It was yet another reminder that we still live in an amazing country with a ridiculous amount of luxuries.  I hope this Coronavirus shutdown is a quick reminder of what is really important our lives.  This too shall pass, and we should all be very grateful for the life we have right here... right now!

What Will Tomorrow Bring?
My county ‘shut down’ last Thursday. Now, a week later, my entire state is ‘shut down.’ I am still going through all of the emotions and questions, “Do we have enough food?” “Will my parents be OK?” “How will I work at home AND teach my kids at the same time?” And a million other questions. Ultimately, “What will tomorrow bring?” And I couldn’t help but realize the significance of this question. A question that waiting children might not consciously ask themselves, but one nonetheless that they live out day in and day out. What.Will.Tomorrow.Bring? I’ve been living in this current uncertainty for seven days now. Only seven days. (And yes, I fully acknowledge that people around the world have been living this new reality for much longer). But the children who wait live it every single day, and they always have. So when I find myself panicking about toilet paper (14 rolls left and counting), or wondering if the kids were on screens too long today, or worrying that my husband will bring home germs from his essential job, I think of the waiting children. The waiting children who always wonder what tomorrow will bring.

While we are all trying to figure out this ‘new normal,’ while we’re trying to figure out how long this will last, please, I beg of you, please, do not forget about the children who wait. Because we WILL get through this crisis. But will they get through theirs? They won’t without families stepping forward to say Yes. Especially in a time when that Yes might be harder than ever for a family to say. But we need you to say it. The children need you to say it.

So over the course of these next few days, weeks, months we will be sharing photos of waiting children with you. Children who have been wondering for years – What Will Tomorrow Bring? Please consider being the answer to their question. A family. Tomorrow will bring a family.

Meet Zander. Zander is 6-years-old and loves the outdoors, listening to music, and smiling. Zander’s orphanage said that his cognitive abilities and development are on target for his age and they desperately want him to find a forever family!

Interested in learning more about Zander, or about any of the other children who wait? Please complete our Prospective Adoptive Parent form, or email Lindsey Gilbert. And please visit our website to find information about all of our programs.

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Fish and Family Time

Ventured out to the ATL aquarium today. Fun and family always my favorites!!