Make It Count

Image result for make it countI read this post on Instagram and it is SO much my thoughts these days!  I say all the time to "make it count" to the kids and to MYSELF.  We aren't promised tomorrow.  Living my best life today :)
msrachelhollis's profile picture


Yesterday’s news about Kobe Bryant and his daughter and everyone else who was on that helicopter left me reeling. It’s horrendous to lose someone you love no matter how it happens, but having experienced it both ways I can assure you that its a special kind of hell when you have no idea that it’s coming. When something happens like this it’s impossible not to think of your own losses and rather than spiral (because as strong as I am guys, PTSD is no joke and it’s easy for me to be triggered and start to spiral— have anxiety attacks, start obsessing over losing my husband or my kids, get insomnia again and not sleep for a week— I’ve done a LOT of therapy to not go back there) I have to try and find some meaning. Not that there’s a reason for loss but it helps me to look for the meaning inside of it. So here’s what I thought a lot about yesterday... everyone keeps talking about someday. “Someday when the kids are older I’ll train for the marathon...” “Someday when we’re retired we’ll travel the world...” “Someday when it slows down we’ll go on more dates...” “Someday, someday, someday...” You know what? SOMEDAY ISNT COMING. The only thing you’ve got —literally the only thing— is THIS day.

What are you waiting for?? How are you going to spend the only day you’re guaranteed? Did you hug your people? Did you laugh? Did you listen to your favorite music? Did you tell someone you love them? Did you Live into your potential??? What if you’ve only got a year left? What if it’s just 6 months?? STOP waiting for the right time, the right body, the right support system... go LIVE your damn life! Everywhere I look I see reminders... this is over so fast, stop waiting, go live.

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