Dating Patience

Just read an excellent series on dating as a single parent.  Very much well worth the reads, especially if you are one of my former "ladies" (you know who you are).  Good stuff indeed!

Mountain Environments of Dating
Part 1 of a series for single parents who are dating or planning to date in the future.
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Into the Meadow
Part 2: It’s the sudden change from isolation to loving companionship, from bleak, cheerless cold to comforting warmth—the sudden leap from off the mountaintop into a beautiful meadow—that compels single parents to embrace each other without reserve.
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What Happens in the Meadow
Part 3: Throw out everything you ever learned about dating when it comes to single parents dating. Everything changes. 
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Why Responsible, Dependable Dating Single Parents Lose their Mind
Part 4: The pastor looked up at me and said, “How could this happen? How could two of the more stable, steady people in my congregation suddenly and radically change their behavior? How could Tom and Judy just lose it?”
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Myths of the Meadow
Part 5 of a series of articles for dating single parents will help you understand why stepfamily living is different than biological families.
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