Perfect Day

I honestly can't imagine how this day could have been any better :)  It was a day of all of my favorites... favorite places, favorite foods, favorite gifts, and then of course getting to share it with all my favorite people made it a fantastic Mother's Day!!  

Started the day off with some of my favorite kinds of gifts from my kiddos (will do a whole separate post just to show off those treats).  Then we were off to get my favorite donut (double chocolate of course) for breakfast.  Next up was church where I found my favorite man (yes G of course lol), then I even scored one of my favorite family photos while we were there...bonus!  Lunch was at my all time favorite restaurant (Willy's of course).  

Left from lunch headed to the river.  Well turns out we didn't get into one of my favorite river parks; however, was fully redeemed when G suggested the Mill to get my river fix...worked yay!  Spent some time at the river doing one of my favorite activities (slowing down to simply enjoy being with my people of course).  I love all things about hanging out by the river, reminds me of my childhood, and it soothes my soul to enjoy the beauty of God's creations-even the little snake we found lol.  We all had a good time.  
Ended the day with my favorite momma (yes Nana of course).  Brought her her favorite dinner (chicken of course).  I even scored my favorite biscuit for dinner myself (steak and cheese of course).  And yes, I was able to see my favorite sister (Sheila by default...oh I mean of course lol) on Mother's Day too!  Perfect way to end my perfect little day.  Truly felt loved and treasured the entire day.   A big fat thank you to all my favorites for my all time favorite Mother's Day!!

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Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!