Y Pool Day

Spent a couple hours at our YMCA pool today. Hot day and they have a great water slide! Now to get all the girls to actually smile for a pic lol

Lazy Weekend

Lots of laziness around here this weekend while G was out of town visiting Adam. Looks like they had some adventures though:)

Sunday Funday

Looks like Papa’s pool is open for business! Even Sheila's snack dog had a dip lol

Fishy Family

We spent some time at the TN Aquarium with the grandbaby!  He is growing leaps and bounds every time we get to visit with him. He liked seeing all the fish and mainly just enjoyed being out and about with his family. Any time spent together is truly a gift:)

Aunt Visit

Stopped by to get a little hug from Aunt Julia before she heads back to Minnesota! 

Fantastic Fathers

We all had a fantabulous day celebrating these amazing dads today!! My family is super blessed to have these men in our lives. Really enjoyed them both today:)

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!