Transformation Thursday

I decided it was finally time for a new kitchen!  Oh yeah, let the fun begin:) Can’t wait for the transformation. Saying goodbye to the U kitchen... good ridden.

Daily Walk

Sound some more clovers and even some fire ants to play in today lol.  Enjoying the little things as best we can! And did meet up with Lisa and Dylan for a little Woodstock walk as well:)


Now this is my idea of homeschooling... baking brownies!   Em did a fantastic job with all that tough measuring and doubling the recipe.  Yummy results, she definitely deserves an A+

Poolside for Real

Yes, actually a little bit in the pool already!  Water is super cold but crystal clear.  One week=crystal clear:)

Dollar Store Bandits

F and I ventured out for a little shopping trip today.  She wore her new mask Lori made for her and didn’t even complain... well at least not until after she had paid for all her candy!  Lol.  Oh and later Lori and I ventured out and I scored new fancy cushions and umbrellas for my poolside oasis.  Come on over and check it out!

Little Chilly

Water may be a bit chilly, but that didn’t stop Bug from testing it out a bit. Friday funday poolside:)

Full Spring Ahead

Everything is in full bloom around here.  And check out my quick progress on the pool.  Oh yeah... Bug was the first in “in” this year!

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!