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Sienne Pics

We were down on the Seinne River last night. Even rode a little Tuktuk bicycle ride back to flat. Enjoyed some crepes tower side as they lit up the tower… so many people as since a Friday night I guess. Big deal to watch as they turn on sparkle twinkling lights for only a few minutes every hour.

Drink Anyone

S purchased her first LEGAL bottle of wine last night! We had a bit after our crazy adventures last night. Trust me as it was well deserved haha

Subway and Train

We ventured to the subway to take it to get to our train to Lyon. After running and running and being so lost, we literally jumped on train with one minute to spare omgoodness. SO stressed and sweating by time we finally found our seats. Needless to say… I will be taking Uber back to flat when we return lol. I am definitely missing my husband this trip!! He always manages to keep my insanity in check and my directionally challenged self going the correct way😜

We will be on train for two hours to get to Lyon where Audrey will be there to pick us up from train station… God willing!! S still has her days and nights mixed up, so she was awake all night long and now sleeping in the train.  She has been helping trying to get us to the right places as she does recognize some words in French. I was naive apparently to think they would have signs in English/French… not the case at all.

Lunch Streetside

She enjoyed her little street vendor lunch so much yesterday that we went back today… can’t beat that view for sure/). Oh and she can’t seem to live without her afternoon nap either haha

This is where our little flat is located in this building right in front of the Eiffel Tower!

Made it
