So Surreal

Made the trek over and finally enter the holy land of Jerusalem! I’ve seen it on tv for years, and now here in person. Blessed indeed!! We celebrated with communion looking over the city:)

Valley of Death

We really did think we might see death here lol. Narrow roads and a huge bus… but we made it up to an amazing view and truly incredible terrain of where Jesus walked between Jericho and Jerusalem. If you look closely you will see a church built on the side of the mountains where the story of the “Good Samaritan” . Incredible how they did that! 

Really can see why this is called the Valley of Death oh wow! Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Our guide Sam…

Jericho City Ruins

More of the city and a camel:) and yea very hot!

Crossing the Jordon

We went across the Jordan just like the Israelites!


The oldest city! No walls came tumbling down today lol 

Jericho is claimed to be the oldest city in the world,and it is also the city with the oldest known protective wall.[10]Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of more than 20 successive settlements in Jericho, the first of which dates back 11,000 years 

West Bank

We are now traveling through the West Bank territory.  
Lot of desert like mountains and a lot of date palms planted throughout.  Oh and spotted their cross fit gym haha and some camels and some watermelon crops

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!