New Adventure

S started her new job at the Country Club this week. She will be working at the childcare center and doing some dining room serving as well. She is so darn cute!

Gibbs Adventure

Enjoying the nice weather woth my man! Beautiful as usual at Gibbs Gardens. 

Drifting and Spinning

Came down to Atlanta Morot Speedway to watch T do his thing on the track today. This event is like his Disneyworkd for men!

Swinging and Smiling

Luke really loves being outside! Showing him how even the rain can be fun!

Spring has Sprung

A little here and there… starting to get the yard in order for Springtime. Cats are rotten as ever:) And S went to Lassiter prom woth her old peeps!

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!