Dental Nightmare

So F went I. For a root canal today that didn’t go so well. The dentist broke off the “file” (which is a titanium tool they use) inside her tooth. Crazy right?!? Once he came out to tell me what happened, we then rushed across town to a root canal specialist. This surgeon took an X-ray and said that he will try to get out the file but he doesn’t know if he can…ugh. She has that appt today at 2pm… all prayers appreciated! You can see below the file stuck in the root… poor F. 

Year of the Pig

In honor of Chinese New Year, the girls and I ventured across town to celebrate. Girls day out is always fun!

Party Animals

Yep G and I had a big game night out with some of his friends. Lots of fun and games had by all:)

Another Year

The oldest turned 32 yesterday…Happy Birthday Matthew! We celebrated woth a little sushi dinner yum:)

New Employee

Looks like T scored a new job at Porsche!!  Woohoo so proud that he set himself up and really pursued this new job. Go get ‘em T!

Chilly Games

Bug had her last games if this middle school season in some chilly weather. The brave fans managed through to cheer her on!

The Big Two O!

Is this really what adulting is supposed to look like?!? Haha we all had a great time celebrating my baby boy. Happy birthday T!!

FatCat Diaries

He gets around much better now that he’s finally lost some weight…

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!