Oh Baby

Look who we get to hang out woth this weekend… baby Luke!  Get to be the spoiling grandparents to this cutie pie:)

Dancing Girl

F got all dressed up for her big 8th grade dance tonight. Love that she went with friends and had a great time!  One beautiful young lady… sniff sniff

Soccer and Sun

Weather was great this weekend for some soccer games!  Love everyone who comes out to support and love on my girl… thank you for suffering through the games for her lol.

Sister Act

Met up with some friends to watch a little play in downtown Woodstock this weekend. It was very funny and cheap entertainment. Had fun and would highly recommend it!

Holy Hostas

Betty let me come and steal some huge hostas from her yard. Look how todays project turned out!  Better yet is I still have plenty more to spread around the yard:)

Birthday Bash

Well not really a bash, but it was still a celebration!  Daddy’s big day today… whoop whoop!! He is 83 years young today and still as energetic as me lol. I am definitely my father’s daughter:) Happy Birthday Daddy, hope you had a great day as you deserve it!

The Artist

E’s art was chosen to be displayed at the county’s art fair.  She is SO smart and talented! All the local schools had a small display each at the Art Center.

New Tooth

Look who is sporting a new smile:)

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!