Fancy Schmancy

My CrossFit gym has their big annual formal party this weekend. Since most of our men couldn’t go, we made it a girls night out:). Lots of fun with these crazy ladies. Grateful to have such strong women in my life!

Driving Baby

MySbaby is an official driver!!  She did awesome on her test even though she was super nervous. SO very proud of her. Way to go Sbaby:) I’ll admit it was a lot to watch her drive away alone for the first time though… sniff sniff

Growing Up

The grandbaby and the kitty are both growing up fast!


As I always tell the kids… give me the solution, not the problem!  #thesearemypeople

REBA Finally

We finally got to see Reba!!  I booked this concert in 2019 wow. She did not disappoint and was worth the wait. I just love her:)

Party Time

Good thing we already had the cake before the snow hit… YUM!!

Snow Day

We all slept late today and have been nothing but lazy all day long!! Enjoying our slow snow day with my people:)

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!