Six Flags Day

We made our way across town to Six Flags today. Hardly anyone there! We rode all the things we wanted and were in and out in only 3 hours. F even rode a real roller coaster for the first time by her own choice.  Fun day with the girls:)

Holy Ears

F decided to trade in a gift card to get her ears pierced again.  Thanks Papa and Grandma for making her a happy teen with holey ears now lol!

Perfect Christmas Day

Picture perfect day celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! Started the morning off with breakfast made by Nana of course.  Then lunch with my dad and Sandy. Then Christmas movies, pajamas, and food ALL DAY LONG:) So blessed I can hardly believe it…love my people❤️ Merry Christmas!!

Christmas Eve Service

Lots of my people joined us for church on Christmas Eve. Then of course lasagna for dinner. And a new grand puppy even.  My cup runneth overšŸ„°

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!