
Look who made it to the gym’s “cover page” lol!  Love me some CrossFit!!

Car Swingin’

Oh yeah I finally got in on some of that fancy swinging T likes to do lol:)

Soccer Star

We all came out blankets and all to watch Bug do her thing.  Missed G since he had to work. Everyone did some major cheering oh and yelling too on the sidelines lol.  Way to go E!!

Fancy Fridge

Check out our fancy new fridge!  We even had a professional delivery man bring it to us aka daddy:). Loving having two full refrigerators at my disposal. Now if I could just figure out how to keep all those little fingerprints off of it lol

She Wins!

First game of the season and they won 5-3!  Way to go Bug:)
Thanks to everyone who was able to come help cheer her on, made her day.

Weekend Fun

A little of this and a little of that this weekend.  Missing my man and hope he gets back home soon!

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!