Celebration Day

We went to London’s today to celebrate her big day.  She looks so happy!  Love seeing her enjoying this big accomplishment.

She Did It

London is one of the lucky 2020 high school graduates!  So proud of her for sticking it out and getting that much deserved diploma:)

Bowling Bananza

Ventured out bowling on a weeknight... wait what?!?  See the world is going crazy lol.  Nah it’s just officially summer schedule around my house. Oh and last night for Em to be here so we thought we would have a bit of fun before she goes back to her mom’s tomorrow.  Lots of smiles from everyone, well until my son beat me TWICE.  I can’t believe it... ACK!!

Mask On

Mask on... mask off!  Oh my we look quite different  on our adventurous shopping sprees these days!!


I should not be left with other people’s children apparently... ugh.  Em wipes out in the scooter today and has the marks to prove it!  Good thing is that she recovered quickly and we are now back in the pool... whew:) Day started better with some crafting and icees though.  Let’s hope no more injuries the rest of the week!

Memorial Day Memories

We were all busy making memories today!  I started my day off this am with JOY knowing I was going to get to spend it with the people I love❤️ Had a wonderful day simply being together. I always say “Make it count!”... and today was a reminder of that.  We live in an incredible country and we are all truly blessed😊

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!