Before and After

THIS girl right here RAN 3.5 miles today without stopping!!  Yes, that's a little more than a 5K.  (Before and after pic are 18 months apart.) Even more amazing is that I'm enjoying the journey as I go.  I've actually found true JOY along the path... and that my friends... has been a miracle straight from GOD!!

Chorus Singer

S had a mini concert at her school.  She looks so grown up these days... sigh. Love her dedication to all her school courses!

Back At It

Back to reality and the swing of things today.  Kids to school, crossfit, and back to work! My Vday flowers are still making my desk more pleasant though... best flowers ever:)

Stockyard Party

We went to the famous Stockyards in Forth Worth after I made them leave the free beer.  They never let up though lol.  Haha fun day all around!

The After Party

Apparently someone thought it was a great idea to give runners FREE beer after a race?!? Good thing I'm the designated driver for the rest of day!

She Did It

Time was 2 hours 18 minutes!!! Cliff is almost at the end too... whoop whoop!

They're Off!

And running... brrr it's freezing out but they're still headed out for a chilly 13.1 mile run!!  My job is to ring the cow bell and cheer them on lol

The Nephew

We saw Christopher for a bit tonight. Had dinner at the apartment, then went to see Christopher's new fancy house. Now back at the hotel to get some sleep before the big race.  Oh and yes, we did try out some weird new wave ice cream today.  What's vacay without  ice cream?!?

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!