KOA Dancing

Don't you dance when you go camping too?!? And a few smores of course :)

We Made It

Let the fun begin!! Sheila and Scott are right next door in that big white camper. We have the same exact cabin as last year :). Now just missing G... boo

Honors Chorus

Just received this from her teacher:

Congratulations! Your student has been chosen to participate in the 2018 District 12 Cobb County Honor Chorus!

SO very proud of her for auditioning even though she kept saying she wasn't going to make it.  There are only 3 students allowed from each grade to be chosen…she is one of them!!  Congrats turkeyloohoo :)


It's a squirrel or a chipmunk or a snake...NOpe, just a baby bird lol. Didn't matter as it was entertaining either way. Girls checking out Papa's latest catch!


Oh just starting another day in the poop paradise...ACK! Back downstairs dealing with broken pump to the potty. Ewwww


I seem to be back on my minimizing and reorganizing kick these days. Paired down all my pots and pans... yay. Girls enjoyed ice cream treats. And since still no G around at church, made Mike pose with me lol :)


Falls right in line with my year of patience. Sometimes I get a much needed reminder at just the right time!

Fwd: Balance

Love everything about this...


Click here to view article on the web

As the one year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey approaches, I think back and can still vividly recall the days of rain that led to our evacuation and eventually a change in perspective.

As I watched the river behind us and the lake across the street slowly turn to one and rise, my heart raced and anxiety overwhelmed my body and mind. I watched as our belongings floated out of our yard and into the lake. As the sun set, I could no longer see what loomed in the darkness, but could hear the sloshing water under our house. I knew an evacuation was inevitable, as we no longer felt safe in our own home. It was a sleepless night. As the sun rose, our mailbox and fences were no longer visible and the water was making its way up the steps. My husband had me throw what I could into a plastic bag while he swam across the street to capture a small sit-on-top kayak so we could make our way down the street and up the hill to safety.

As I held on to my 5 year old son and my 1 bag of belongings (which I had to downsize several times because it was too heavy), we balanced, literally shifting our weight from side to side to keep from tipping over. My husband pulled us over a mile through knee-deep water, to waist deep water and at one point, chest-high water with currents. We did not know what condition our home would be in when we returned but it didn't seem to matter. At that moment, I wasn't thinking about what I left behind, only that right then, I had EVERYTHING I needed. I knew as long as we had each other we would be ok and a sense of peace washed over me.

My senses were overwhelmed upon our return. Monstrous piles of furniture and other belongings littered yards. A layer of silt and mud covered everything and an indescribable smell lingered in the air for weeks as did the nightmares of rising water. The once peaceful sound of rain ignited anxiety and I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that we had been violated by an unwelcome intruder.

After nearly a year of putting our home back together, things are mostly back to normal but the whole experience made me think about how precious my family is to me and also made me question what I really need to be content and happy. I think it comes down to what we did in that kayak to keep from falling into the water….BALANCE.

Things seem to work better when they are balanced…..your budget, your meals, your tires. When elements in my life have been effectively (not necessarily evenly) proportioned everything seems more stable and more joyful. I want to achieve more balance in my life so that I might be able to be more stable and more joyful when the unexpected happens.

This means balancing:

Work and play.

Laundry and dishes have to get done and meals have to be prepared but I can balance that with watching a movie or playing with my son outside. Happiness researcher Robert Biswas-Diener is quoted in Time magazine as saying, "Don't fit joyful activities into your days - fit your days around them.

Noise and quiet.

Being the mom of a 6 year old boy means lots of noise. Sometimes we turn up the music and play guitars and sometimes we read books on the couch.

Bringing stuff in and letting stuff go.

When I bring in a new treasure for my home I make sure to let go of the items that no longer bring me joy or no longer serve a purpose.

Busyness with rest.

It feels good to cross off items on my "to do" list but if I take a little nap or just a break to let my brain and body rest, I will feel completely recharged.

Purpose and presence.

For several months, I have been writing in a gratitude journal and reading a short devotional each morning as I drank my coffee. However, lately what felt good and relaxing, was feeling like a chore. I felt like I needed to get it done before I could do anything else so I recently began waking up earlier just to sit on my porch and watch the sunrise and listen to the birds. There I sit quietly and think about the things I am grateful for and breathe and simply be.

Changing my perspective on what is important and putting into action a plan to achieve balance in my life is making a difference. It's not always easy but I am finding that I am more joyful and I am certainly more thankful for what I have because you never know when it can all be washed away.

. . .

About the Author

My name is Lori Sanders. I live in a small house on a small ranch in a small Texas town with my husband and son. 

Day Out

The girls had a birthday party to attend today so...

We went out and enjoyed a mom day out :) Fun with my bestie!

More Teachers

Next stop was over to T's Open House at the school. Met all his teachers and signed up for all the texts from each class. Each teacher does their own thing, so have to figure out what all is expected in each class. Frankly it makes me thrilled that I'm no longer in high school;) Now just to figure out how to get T motivated to get all the work completed on time this year!!

School Nights

Had the big back to School blast at the girls' school tonight. More teachers to meet and greet now that they've had a chance to know my kiddos since school started. And of course snow cones!


The girls were able to do some of the fun activities at the Braves game (you can tell how into baseball they really are lol). S opted for the zip line and E the rock wall. No stopping these two. Love sharing in their adventures!


Not just one, but TWO snakes to greet me this morning at the pool. Definitely time to close it! Pool boy coming out next week to shut it down for the season.

Snow Adventure

T and some of his friends are in Colorado this week. Brrrrrr!